Call for papers flyer (pdf)

Those wishing to participate in the conference are invited to submit short 300-500 word abstracts for papers relating to the general topics of the conference. Please choose one of the main topics. The abstract should clearly indicate the content and important contributions of the paper.

The conference language is English. Therefore, presentations, abstracts and papers must be in English.

Papers and papers will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee.

When your abstract has been approved, you must prepare a paper and after final approval, we will look forward to hearing your presentation at the conference.

Offered papers shall not have been published elsewhere.

The formatting instructions for the paper will be available when your abstract has been approved. Paper length is minimum 6 pages, maximum 16 pages. All approved papers will have the format of an oral presentation.

All papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering series, published by Springer Verlag, indexed by Scopus, if the paper is peer-reviewed and accepted, and author author has paid the registration fee.